For Leaders

The natural born leader is a myth.


Leadership is learned; from ourselves, from others, and from life.

When those teachable moments show up, a trusted, outside perspective is the key to maximizing the value of those lessons. In my experience, there are three big challenges to leadership growth that are best overcome not by introspection and self-effort, but with the help of an expert advisor to help you negotiate them:


Knowledge vs. Know How

Intellect can get you pretty far. So can real-world experience. When you learn how and when to leverage both, that’s when your leadership can truly shine.


Lack of Awareness

Personal, interpersonal, and situational awareness allows you to assess the environment and the dynamics not as you wish them to be, but as they truly are.


Lack of Confidence

Also known as self-doubt, low self-esteem, imposter syndrome, and indecisiveness, a lack of confidence impedes your ability to lead and inspire others.


Leadership Solutions

I serve in four powerful and uniquely tailored roles to support you in your leadership journey.

Negotiation Coach

Adopting a negotiator mindset is essential to your professional and personal success. The benefits reach far beyond traditional views typically associated with dealmaking and compensation.

  • Understand and apply leverage in a healthy, productive way

  • Effectively navigate your career and work environment

  • Appreciate your leadership dynamics at work and at home

Executive Coach

Many leaders don’t recognize their need for my help until late in their careers. Like iron sharpens iron, the sooner we start honing your leadership growth together, the sharper your perspectives, insights, and skills will be.

  • Expand your awareness of yourself and your team

  • Improve your confidence as a leader

  • Grow your skills and your capability to lead

Strategic Advisor

The word “savvy” is short for the French term savoir faire – to know how to do. When facing both opportunities and challenges that are new to you, having an experienced, savvy advisor in your corner makes a world of difference.

  • Avoid missteps and navigate potential pitfalls

  • Uncover opportunities you might be missing

  • Benefit from firsthand experience

Sounding Board

Too often, leadership decisions happen without the benefit of a seasoned and impartial counterpart to pressure test ideas, check your thinking, or just listen and respond while you work the problem out loud on your own.

  • Better decision making

  • Greater confidence

  • Confidential feedback

If your leadership could use some new lessons, consider this a teachable moment.


What Our Clients Say

"Negotiation is something so many of us dislike, avoid, and talk ourselves out of doing. What I love about Susie Tomenchok's book is that she first helps reframe your mindset about negotiation. And then makes you realize how many more opportunities there are all around us, particularly at work where the stakes are high. She provides practical and relatable examples and tactics that helped me easily translate her stories and lessons learned into my own working experiences. A fantastic read for anyone looking to elevate their game in the workplace."

Cara Athmann

Chief Technology Officer

"Susie is a leader, a coach and a teacher. Her book is a helpful guide and a positive fresh look at the art of negotiation."

Alex O’Brien

CEO Cardinal Group Companies

"As the leaders and influencers of tomorrow are formed and shaped…meaningful, values-based content makes a material difference. Susie Tomenchok speaks directly and thoughtfully to this audience, while driving home a very practical approach to negotiation."

Todd Porch

President, Strategus